Beneficios comparativos de MicroFAST®

  • Diseñado especialmente para aguas residuales residenciales y comunitarias.
  • No afecta a lagos, ríos y napas
  • 55% de ahorro en agua o más (que otros sistemas similares)
  • Exclusivo sistema reductor del nitrógeno
  • Exclusivo sistema reductor de lodos
  • Fácil de instalar
  • Modular y adaptable al crecimiento comunitario
  • Premiado y certificado a nivel mundial


Solución modular de tratamiento de aguas residuales desde familias a comunidades, en lugares sin alcantarillado ni saneamiento municipal.

Ideal para reparar y mejorar sistemas sépticos convencionales.

Exclusivo proceso de capa adherida totalmente sumergida con recirculación pasiva que mantiene excepcional desarrollo microbiológico y aumenta la decantación de sólidos inorgánicos.


100% amigable e inocuo con napas, pozos, lagos, mar; asi como suelos.

Requiere menos agua para el proceso y menos área de deposición del agua resultante o efluente.


Certificado NSF/ANSI Estándar 40, Clase 1

Certificado NSF/ANSI Estándar 245
(Reducción de NITRÓGENO)

Certificado NSF/ANSI
(Reducción bacterial de COLIFORMES FECALES)


2017 North American “Integrated Water Treatment Technology Leadership” Award, Frost & Sullivan

2017 Top 10 Green Building Products, BuildingGreen, Inc.- d-Rain Joint™ Device

2016 President’s “E Star” Award * 2012 President’s “E” Award for Excellence in Exports, granted by President of the United States, presented by US Dept of Commerce

2015 Ingenuity Award Winner, Ingenuity Central @ K-State Olathe, Ingenuity Central (IC) showcases innovative companies that exemplify the newest thinking driving our community & growing our economy.

2015 Innovation in Marine Environmental Technology Offshore Excellence Award, based on environmental impact with marine sanitation devices and technology.

2014 “BEST of GreenBuild” Editor’s Choice Award, U.S. Builder’s Review, “Creating Better Water Treatment Solutions for a Better World…“article.

2012 President’s “E” Award for Excellence in Exports, granted by the U.S. President, presented by the U.S. Department of Commerce

2011 Kansas Governor Exporter of the Year, presented by the Governor of Kansas

2011 North American Technology Innovation Award (Decentralized Commercial Outlets) – Frost & Sullivan

2011 New Product of the Year Award (Recycling) – BioBarrier® MBR System – Environmental Protection (EPOnline)

2010 North American Technology Innovation Award (Water/Wastewater) – Frost & Sullivan

2009 Exporter of the Year Award, Environmental – ThinkGlobal / Commercial News USA (Official publication of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce)

2009 Technology Merit Business Achievement Award, Water/Wastewater – Environmental Business Journal (EBJ)

2002 U.S. Export Achievement Certificate, US Dept. of Commerce, US & Foreign Commercial Service

2000 U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Innovator Award – U.S. EPA, Region 1 – SeptiTech® Technology



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